(PREVIOUS:  Creating a Place of Peace: the Process ~~ Part 1: Inspiration Corner)

You’ve taken the first step – creating an Inspiration Corner,
a space where you can relax, reflect, and refocus,
a space that can motivate and inspire you.

Now it’s time to continue creating these spaces of peace and joy
in other parts of your home, little by little.

STEP 1: Getting ready

Before you begin recreating your space beyond your Inspiration Corner, revisit your vision for your home and your life in your Inspiration Journal.  Spend a few moments letting that vision soak in.

After you have done this, identify a small space you want to redefine and recreate, preferably close to or in the same room as your Inspiration Corner. It can be as small as a box or drawer, or as large as a part of a room. However, do not pick a space larger than you can recreate in the time (or energy) that you have at that time.  

Before doing anything with that space, take a few moments to establish your vision for it.  Sit in the space without distractions – close your eyes and imagine what you want that space to look like, what you want to do with that space, and how you want to feel about that space.

Creating this vision is critical to staying focused
when you start going through your items.

Now gather decluttering and organizing tools – get a trash can for trash, a box or bag for recycling, a box or tub for items to be donated, and a tub for items that need to be relocated.

Lastly, set a fun atmosphere for redefining and recreating:  

    • Put on some inspirational or soothing music
    • Light a candle if you like candles
    • Fix yourself your favorite drink and snack

Now you are ready!!

STEP 2: Clearing the Space

You’ve identified a space you can recreate in the time you have, you’ve contemplated your vision for the space in front of you, you’ve gathered all your tools, and you’ve set the mood.

To start, take everything out of that space you are redefining and recreating, whether it be a drawer, a shelf, a nighstand, or a closet. 

Once everything is removed, clean that space – vacuum, dust, or use a damp rag. Magic Eraser can remove stubborn marks and stains.

Now take a break!  You deserve it!

Sit down in your Inspiration Corner

and drink some of your special beverage.
If you are hungry, eat a little snack.

Close your eyes, roll your shoulders and neck,
and just breathe deep for a few minutes. 

Revisit your vision for you life and for that space you are working on
** This vision needs to stay at the forefront of your mind
during this process. **

Reset your music, refill your beverage,
and gear up for the next part – recreating!!

STEP 3: Recreating the Space

Now it’s time to recreate that space – that blank slate.  

Only put things back in the space that fit your vision for that space.  

For example, if you are doing a desk drawer, only put
desk-related items in that drawer.
(e.g., office supplies, school supplies.)

If you are clearing off a shelf in the closet,
only put things back on the shelf
that fit your vision for that shelf,
whether it be travel books, crafting supplies in organizing boxes,
photo albums, or other things.

If you are decluttering a shelving unit in the garage, 
only put items back that you actually need and want o keep,
with like items organized together (in clear tubs if needed)
and clearly labeled.

Items that you do not want or that do not fit the vision you have for your life should be discarded, recycled, or donated.  (See “Questions to Redefine your Life.”)  If it is detracting from your life and your vision, it does not have a place in your life.    Go through all of the items you removed from the space and sort into the appropriate container for trash, recycling, donation, or relocation.

When you are done recreating just that space, put the trash and recycling in the trash/recycle bins outside, and take the box(es) to donate to the car immediately.

Any items that need to be located elsewhere in the home can be put in the room in which they will ultimately go.  

STEP 4: Enjoying the Space

You have now decluttered and recreated
another space in your home!!

Stand back and look at the new space, whether it was as small as a basket or a drawer, or as large as a desk or closet.   Bask in what you recreated.

Revisit it frequently to remind yourself of your goals and your success!

Reward yourself for a job well done!

STEP 5: Planning for the Next Space

The momentum has started and you’ve taken the first step.   Don’t let the momentum stop.

Sometime in the next few hours or days, decide on the next space you want to recreate and set a time to do this.   

Setting goals and putting these goals on your calendar will keep the momentum going!  

Things to Keep in Mind

Remember, we NEED very little.
(Think of what you take when you travel.)
Often, less is more when it comes to peace and contentment.

We need to identify which material possessions and items 
on our to-do list are essential or very important to us.
Not everything holds equal value.

If you think all your material possessions are necessary
and everything on your to-do list is required, 
you will most likely perpetuate feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unhappy, 
and it will be difficult to achieve peace and joy. 

    • If you are planning to redefine and recreate your entire home, it can be very helpful to write down your vision for your home.  

What is the primary purpose of each room? 
What do you want each room to look like? 
Do you plan on refurnishing or redecorating one or more rooms?  

Knowing if you want certain rooms for crafts or for a home office can be helpful in sorting through and organizing your things. 

    • It is very important that you not put anything in the new space unless it fits the vision you have for that space, and you really want it there. 

      One big pitfall in this process is to tell yourself,  “I’ll just put this here for now and go through it later.”  Don’t do this!!

      ** If a particular item does not fit in the new space, just set it aside, or better yet, relocate it to the space where it will eventually go. **
    • As you recreate a space, keep items in logical spaces.  For example,
        • office supplies go in a desk drawer in desk organizers,
        • similar books are arranged together on shelves,
        • financial documents are kept together in a secure place in file folders or notebooks,
        • craft supplies are stored together in organizing storage containers,
        • tools and hardware are kept in a tool chest or closet usually in the garage.
    • Do not relocate clutter into spaces you have already redefined and recreated.  This will result in a vicious cycle of recluttering.  Decide at the moment whether it is worthy to be in your home and whether it fits the vision you have for your home and your life.  If not, pass it on.
    • If some of the clutter you are going through involves projects that you want to do, get some large tubs.  Any time you come across items related to these projects, put them in these tubs.  You probably have project items scattered all over your apartment/house. 

      Part of decluttering and organizing is just localizing and compartmentalizing like objects.   Once you have finished decluttering, you can focus on completing these projects. 

(NEXT:  Creating a Place of Peace: the Process ~~ Part 3: Attaining Hygge)